Project Prometheus
1966, 1967, 1968
March 12, 1931 - November 8, 2021
Bob Casebeer, mentor and intellectual provocateur of our Promethean community, left his earthly existence on the morning of November 8. He died peacefully at home in his sleep, as befits a man of letters with an amazingly capacious mind. In fact, this is the same day that John Milton shed his mortal coil in 1674, a coincidence that Bob would’ve appreciated, I think. The often expressed and sometimes rhetorically used sentiment that he touched the lives of so many in so many positive ways is actually totally true in Uncle Bob’s case. We’ll always have within us a bit of his curiosity and gentle prodding to take a deeper look at the world, for the rest of our own lives.
If you’d like to send a message to Bob’s family, his daughter Kim has graciously provided contact information below and told us all communications will be shared with the rest of the family. If you wish to submit a message or reminiscence to post here, please select the ‘Contact Us’ link at left and I’ll post it on this page.
Kim Salas
Mail: 6857 Rapp Lane / Talent OR 97540