Born : May 16, 1949
Died : September 29, 1987
Age at Death : 38 years
Dear Cabe, Yes, I am Kathy Wyrick's younger sister. Kathy was living in Guerneville, CA in 1985. She and her son, Nathan, were passengers in a car which was struck by a drunk driver. Nathan received only minor injuries, but Kathy suffered severe head trauma and was in a persistent vegetative state for about a year. She passed in 1987. Kathy was part of a community group dedicated to ensuring that the residents in the area would have access to clean, safe drinking water. For more than 10 years following her friends worked to get a memorial constructed in the town square. Today, there is a lovely water fountain and memorial plaque honoring Kathy and her work. The world lost a brilliant, dedicated, charming, talented woman. Kathy's former husband, Jon Stong, resides in Santa Rosa California and her son, Nate, lives in Cameron Park, California. I was only 12 when Kathy attended PP, but I do recall the the program name. I imagine it was a very enriching program for you all if you have developed a site for alumni. Best wishes to you. Nancy Wyrick Teeter