Kathleen Glanville

Profile Updated: March 1, 2009
Class Year: 1968
Residing In: Portland, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Patrick O'Neill
Occupation: Journalist/ The Oregonian
Children: Devin, born 1982; Maggie, born 1986
Yes! Attending Reunion
Comments / Life Story:

Glide High School 1970
University of Oregon School of Journalism 1974
Vancouver Parks and Recreation newsletter editor 74-76
Albany Democrat Herald reporter, Albany, Oregon 76-81
Contel, Bakersfield, Calif. public relations/human resources 1982-84
The Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, reporter, bureau chief and editor 82 - present

School Story:

Best memory -- bringing down the house with the best possible introduction for Bob Casebeer in closing ceremonies. The man was in tears by the time I finished. Bless him, he was so enthusiastic about every speaker, he hardly left them any time to talk. That was a magical summer.

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Posted: Mar 10, 2014 at 12:00 AM