Marilyn Bailey Bailey

Profile Updated: December 2, 2008
Class Year: 1966
Residing In: Ashland, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Jim LeMay
Occupation: real estate
Children: none
Yes! Attending Reunion
Comments / Life Story:

I'm so glad this opportunity has come up (thanks to you all who made it happen!) to reunite! Although I'm a little fuzzy on all the details, I certainly have not forgotten Prometheus and what an life-affecting experience it was.

School Story:

Due to Prometheus, I came to SOU and wound up staying in Ashland (except for a couple of brief forays to Portland for a year, and Eugene for 3 years). I graduated with one of those handy, all-purpose (no purpose?) degrees in psychology, with a minor in partying.

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Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM